Birmingham Youth Justice Service - a guide for professionals

Formerly called the Youth Offending Service, Birmingham Youth Justice Service changed its name in December 2024 to reduce the stigma for children who have come into contact with the criminal justice system.

Birmingham Youth Justice Service works with children, young people, and their families across the city to support their needs to live a safe, positive life with an aspirational future. We work in partnership with other services in Birmingham to deliver youth justice services.

Our partnership working is with statutory services, partnership agencies and the third sector. We have multi-agency partners working within our teams throughout Birmingham, and alongside us in the community.

Our aim is to reduce offending by children and young people, so they can live healthy positive lives and have a sense of pride in their communities. To do this, we work together alongside, and in the community.

Below you will find links to further information about our Youth Justice Service and other Support Services.

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Birmingham Youth Justice Service