I need professional help with...
How do I report a child safeguarding concern or access Early Help support?
If your concern is urgent due to a child being at risk of immediate and significant harm, please contact the Police via 999.
- The Children’s Advice and Support Service (CASS) provides a single point of contact for professionals and members of the public who want to raise concerns about children and young people.
- Please ring CASS if you believe a child is at risk of immediate significant harm.
- Please note that CASS is not an emergency service.
Request for Support form
- We have an online Request for Support form, updated in November 2023. The link to click on is below the following guidance.
- Before submitting the online Request for Support Form below please study the Right Help Right Time (RHRT) threshold document hosted on the Birmingham Safeguarding Children website.
- Please note the RHRT document was updated in January 2025, so please check you have this version.
- There is a tutorial video at the bottom of this page to guide you through the completion of this online form.
Before clicking on the Request for Support form link below, please consider:
- If the concern meets the Universal Plus or Additional Needs RHRT threshold please submit a Family Connect Form to the Early Help Locality Hubs for support.
- If the concern is related to a specific concern please complete one of the relevant screening tools (links below) and attach to your online Request for Support Form.
- Go to Child Exploitation or Child Sexual Exploitation form
- Go to Prevent Extremism Screening Tool
- Go to Neglect form
- Go to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Screening Tool
- If the concern identified meets the Complex and Significant Threshold on RHRT, and there is no immediate danger to a child, please complete the Request for Support form - link below.
Important information to have ready before completing the online form
- Please make sure that you have available the names and dates of birth of all children and adults who live at the address you input, as you will need this information to complete the online form.
- Please check if the family address and postcode falls within Birmingham City Council’s boundaries and is covered by Birmingham Children’s Trust.
Please click on this link that will take you to a .GOV.UK local authority address checker page.
Request for Support form link
PLEASE NOTE - If you are intending to upload any supporting Microsoft documents to this form below, please attach these documents as PDF files only.
- The online form below only accepts attachments in the following file formats - .PDF, .JPG, .JPEG, and .PNG
- If your file is any other format , please re-save as a PDF document.
Follow this guidance below or download a visual guide to saving documents as PDF here:
- Click on FILE and SAVE AS
- Select DESKTOP then SAVE AS TYPE as PDF (*.pdf)
- Click on the SAVE button
- Remember to delete the PDF document from your desktop when finished
CASS contact details
Monday to Thursday 8.45am - 5.15pm and Friday 8.45am - 4.15pm
Phone 0121 303 1888 and select Option 2 then Option 2
Emergency out of hours
Phone 0121 675 4806
Tutorial video
You can watch a short introductory video by clicking on this link, or watching below. This is a step-by-step guide to completing the online Request for Support form.