Youth Offending Service - a guide for parents and carers

How do we support children, young people and parents?

  • Children and young people might have to meet with their Youth Offending Team Officer regularly for a set period, set out by a panel or the court.
  • If they do, we will create a plan about what we will do together when we meet them.
  • We will clearly explain what they are required to do, and what we will do for them.
  • We try to make that plan with parents and carers as well.
  • Once the plan is agreed, we will share it with the parents and carers and give them a copy, so they know what expectations are on their child.

The plan will include goals that will help children with:

  • How they will keep safe and healthy.
  • How they will improve my future opportunities.
  • How they will try to make things better for people affected by what happened.
  • How they will do positive work in the community.
  • How they will reduce potential harm to others through my behaviour.
  • How they will try to stop behaviour that could lead to offending.

We can also help children meet any additional requirements they may have. For example, planning how to comply with an electronic monitor (tag).

Restorative Justice

We always try to listen to victims of harm, and we consider their needs. Sometimes victims want to meet with people that have caused them harm and talk about it. This is called Restorative Justice. This could happen to your child, and if it does, we will talk to you about it and plan it properly. You can be involved to support your child along with this process.