Social Work Apprenticeships
The Social Work Apprenticeship Scheme has been hosted in the Trust since 2020 and is still a relatively new development offer. Working in partnership with Coventry University, we have a great opportunity for staff who do not hold a social work qualification, to gain a professional social work qualification whilst earning a salary and incurring no student debt.
The course runs for 36 months where candidates gain ‘on the job experience while also studying key areas of practice within their degree. Each apprentice is allocated a SPed from the Academy team to offer support and guidance through the three-year programme.
To give the apprentices the best learning experiences, each year placements move across front line services, giving a real rounded guide through the journey of the child.
Following an interview process; each apprentice will experience the following;
- A dedicated SPed to support you throughout the duration of the course, in addition to the academic support from Coventry University.
- Group learning and reflective opportunities with other apprentices.
- A guaranteed job interview if they have successfully completed the social work course.