Supporting elected members and MPs
Thank you for visiting the Birmingham Children’s Trust members page. This page is focussed on elected members and MPs. We will shortly be adding an electronic copy of a dedicated Members Handbook as well as training opportunities, so stay tuned and bookmark this page.
What is the Birmingham Children’s Trust?
We provide Children’s Services on behalf of Birmingham City Council, and before this April we were a part of the Council. We became a Children’s Trust in April 2018 to help us accelerate improvements to support vulnerable children and young people in the city. We are owned by, but independent from Birmingham City Council. This means we can do things differently, and make changes so that vulnerable young people in the city are better looked after.
Our social workers, family support teams and other staff work to help vulnerable children in Birmingham stay safe and achieve, to look after children in care, and support and encourage fostering and adoption in the city.
By only having one job to do we are more focused and able to work with young people more closely, better listen to their needs and make any changes needed much more quickly.
Member and MP enquiries to the Birmingham Children’s Trust
You can send your enquiry or make a comment, compliment or complaint about children’s social workers, residential homes or adoption through our dedicated members and MP mailbox.
You can also use the Birmingham Children’s Trust website to:
- Report a concern about a child.
Click on the ‘Report a concern’ button at the top or bottom of every page. - Find out more about corporate parenting
- Find out more about the Trust
If you would like to see any additional information or links on this page please get in touch.
Elected member / MP Trust website page request