Birmingham Children's Trust Practice Academy

Birmingham Children’s Trust aspires to be the best place to practice social work and associated services with families, to make a real difference to the lives of the city’s most vulnerable children.
We recognise that to achieve this we need the best, most talented, innovative and committed people to join us.
The Practice Academy was formed in 2020 in the midst of a global pandemic, bringing together all learning and development opportunities for social workers pre and post qualification across the Trust. Its team ethos brings together all learners to create a network of practice and development.

Meet the team
The Practice Academy aim to support, inform and inspire social workers in their continued professional development. We strive to provide opportunity and wrap around support to allow learners to build skill and knowledge in an enjoyable, innovative environment.
Working in partnership with Coventry University, we have a great opportunity for Birmingham Children's Trust staff who do not hold a social work qualification, to gain a professional social work qualification whilst incurring no student debt.
Birmingham Childrens Trust has a great record of providing placements for students from a range of Universities. We see students as social workers of the future and are keen to help support students to become the best social worker they can be.
Assisted and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE)
The ASYE is a twelve-month programme designed to provide additional support for Newly Qualified Social Workers to develop their capability and strengthen their professional confidence.
Accredited Child and Family Practitioner (ACFP)
The ACFP programme is for all ASYEs in their second year of development as a social worker where they begin to embed their learning and build on their experiences whilst holding on to extra levels of support and oversight.
Return To Social Work (RTSW)
For whatever reason you may have left social work or however long ago…we can support you to return to the profession that you love. The Return to Social Work Programme will enable you to gain the learning and practice experiences needed to start you back into a social work role.
Step Up
Step Up to Social Work (Step Up) is an intensive full-time Postgraduate Diploma in social work training programme that allows you to become a social worker in just 14 months. You will have direct support from the Practice Academy alongside the team in practice you are based within.
Practice Educators
Practice educators are considered some of the unsung heroes of the social work profession, growing and nurturing the future generations of social workers. We are keen to find social workers with a practice educator qualification who is up for the opportunity to offer a student social worker a very rich and rewarding practice placement opportunity.